Social Sciences

Social Sciences

The Department of Social Sciences deals with the transfer of technologies, value chain analysis, production and marketing efficiency of agricultural and horticultural crops. Courses on social sciences will focus on developing agro-based entrepreneurship skills among the students through hands-on training and field exposure visits. This department will also mold the students to be competent to face the demands of the job market. This domain includes

Agricultural Economics

During the farmers field visits, the students are exposed to crop planning, adoption of technology, cost of production and cost of cultivation. While marketing visits, the students are learning the operations of existing regulated market, cooperative market, direct marketing, wholesale and retail marketing. In this course, Assessment of Demand Supply, price determination of Agricultural Commodities through market arrivals through suitable software is also taught to the students.

Agricultural Extension

Students are exposed to basics concepts related to rural sociology and educational psychology. Students learn the practical applications of important sociological and psychological concepts. This course intends to expose students to the fundamentals of following areas:
  • 1. Extension education
  • 2. Extension systems in India
  • 3. Programme Planning
  • 4. Rural Development Efforts
  • 5. Extension Administration

To impart knowledge to the students on different extension methods and approaches used for transfer of agricultural technology. This course will also provide an opportunity to students to visit different organizations involved in extension activities and rural development work. Students become self-confident individuals by mastering inter-personnel skills, team management skills, and leadership skills. Students are engaged to village for Practicing PRA Techniques in a Village Setting and they made to survey in local village to Understand the Socio Cultural and Agricultural Related Problems being Encountered by the Villagers/ Farmers. Students are exposed to visit State Department of Agriculture to understand the organizational setup, roles, functions and various schemes, likewise to study the Organizational Set up and Functions of District Rural Development.

Agricultural Rural Management

The practical on this course gives an opportunity to the students to visit the successful Entrepreneurs and leading business houses. While the visit to the spot helps the students in understanding the working of the organization, the meeting with the Entrepreneurs provides an opportunity to interact with them, who will share their experiences with the students. This will act as a motivation to the students to take up Entrepreneurship as their career. Students are taken in to different industries and that will help the students to start the industries by own.


The English course aims to make the students competent and well versed in the English language skills namely listening, speaking, reading and writing which are essential for the youth of today to meet the challenges in the changing global scenario. It also prepares them to be future ready for the career by offering training in interview skills, group discussion techniques, communication skills etc.

Statistics and Mathematics

The students are taught about fundamental concepts of statistical applications in agriculture and allied sciences and to acquire knowledge on the theoretical concepts of data collection, graphical and diagrammatical representation of data, descriptive statistics, sampling methods, testing of hypothesis, correlation, regression, ANOVA and basic design of experiments. Students are also trained in statistical softwares like SPSS, SYSTAT, R Programmes etc. In mathematics, Students were taught about the applications and fundamental concept of mathematics applicable in biology and to acquire about theoretical concepts of Algebra, Geometry, Calculus and Mathematical Modelling.



The Department of Horticulture is a branch of agriculture that deals with the management and improvement of horticultural crops such as medicinal plants, fruits, vegetables, flowers and non-food crops such as ornamental plants. It also deals with the plant conservation, landscape restoration, landscaping, gardening and arboriculture and the study of value-added products of horticultural crops. The various disciplines of this department are


During practical classes, the students are exposed to hands on training on orchard layout, pitting, planting, media preparation, potting and repotting, preparation and application of growth regulators, different propagation methods, nursery raising of vegetables, training, pruning, harvesting, lawn making, varietal identification, preparation of processed products from fruits and vegetables etc.

In addition to providing hands on training, KIA students have also established some model units such as Herbal garden, Butterfly garden, Exotic/Minor fruits garden and Rose garden as part of their project work. These model units will serve as germ plasm resources for identification of different varieties and species. The innovative ideas from the students are being carefully scrutinized every year and used for establishing different such units with financial assistance. Students are also given hands on training on layering and grafting techniques and boquet making.

Food Science

Hands on trainings are given to students to determine the energy value of foods processing of different value added products, food preservation, quality standards and safety management.

Crop Protection

Crop Protection

The Department of Crop Protection deals with the management of pests and diseases affecting the growth of the crop plants. The students will learn about integrated pest and disease management measures and strategies with special emphasis on Host Plant Resistance, Bio-control, measures using bio-pesticides and judicious use of chemical pesticides. The various fields under this department are

Agricultural Entomology

Hands on training help the students to acquaint themselves with external morphology of the insects, basic aspects of anatomy of different systems and identification of insects up to family level with hands-on experience. The students are exposed to the knowledge about the economically important insects like Honeybee, Silkworm, Lac insect, Pollinators, Weed killers, Parasitoids and Predators and principles governing the management of insect pest, including the concept and components of Integrated Pest Management. Students were exposed to different Pests of Field and Horticultural crops that throws light on the distribution, bionomics, symptoms of damage and management strategies of pests of crops like Cereals, Millets, Pulses, Oilseeds, Cotton, Sugarcane, Green Manures, Forage Crops, Stored Products, Vegetable Crops, Fruit Crops, Tuber Crops, Spices and Plantation Crops, Flower Crops and Medicinal Plants. Students are taken to farmer’s field to real assessment of pest incidence and their management.


Students have been taught about the methods of extraction of plant parasitic nematode from soil and root, morphological characters of different plant parasitic nematodes, different symptoms and damages caused by nematodes, nematicide application methods and dosage calculation of nematicides. The students are taught about mass production of nematophagus fungi (Paecilomyceslilacinus & Pochoniachlamydosporia) for the management of plant parasitic nematodes.

Plant Pathology

The students are provided with training to identify the symptoms produced by various plant pathogenic organisms and their relationship with factors and host and also they are familiarized with the characters of plant pathogens through dissection and herbarium. Apart from this, they also learn about the taxonomic characters of plant pathogens. The students are provided with the dissection and Herbarium collection which are used to learn Etiology, symptoms, mode of spread, survival, epidemiology, host parasitic relationship and integrated management of important diseases due to fungi, bacteria, viruses, phytoplasma, phanerogamic parasites and non-parasitic causes of cereals, Millets Pulses, Oilseeds, Cash crops, Fruits, vegetables and Plantation crops. Students are also taken to farmers field to get exposure about symptoms produced by different plant pathogens for better understanding of the subject and identification of pathogens.