Dr. V. Suganya

Dr. V. Suganya

Faculty Profile


Dr. V. Suganya

Date of Birth:



Assistant Professor (Crop Physiology)


Crop Management



Additional Qualification


ASRB -NET 08090006


[email protected]

Teaching Experience

KIA – DOJ: 17.02.2016 ; Others–1 Year 11 Months


1.V. Suganya, G. Velu and P. Jeyakumar ,(2015), Impact of Lipo-Chito Oligosaccharide (LCO) as Foliar Spray on Soybean (Glycine max(L.) Merr.) Yield. Madres Agricultural Journal, Vol.102(1-3), Pg. No.: 37 – 39.

2.V. Suganya, Jidhu Vaishnavi, S and Jeyakumar, P , (2015), Influence of Lipo-Chito Oligosaccharide (LCO) on Soil Dehydrogenase activity and Soil Bacterial Population in Maize and Soybean, Annals of Plant and Soil Research, Volume 12, Special Issue – 1 Pg. No.:47-49

Research articles – (9)

Conference papers/ attended – (10)

Books Chapters (With ISBN) – (6)

Awards & Achievements

  • 1. “Best Doctoral Dissertation Award” for outstanding contribution in the field of Crop Physiology for the year 2015 by GKV Society, AGRA, UP, India.
  • 2. “Best Oral Presentation Award” for the paper entitled “Influence of LipoChito-Oligosaccharide (LCO) on Soil Dehydrogenase activity and Soil Bacterial Population in Maize and Soybean for the year 2015 by National Conference on RAINFED – 2015, PJTSAU, Hyderabad, India.
  • 3. “Young Scientist Award” for outstanding contribution in the field of Crop Physiology for the year 2016 by Society of Biotechnology, Allahabad, India.
  • 4. “Best Young Faculty Award”2020 Kumaraguru Institute of Agriculture, Erode.