Dr. Mrs.S. Hemalatha

Dr. Mrs.S. Hemalatha

Faculty Profile


Dr. Mrs.S. Hemalatha

Date of Birth



Associate Professor (SS&AC)


Crop Management



Additional Qualification


ASRB -NET 081303240779


[email protected],

Teaching Experience

KIA – DOJ: 02.01.2015 ; Others – 6 months


1. Hemalatha, S and Chellamuthu, S. 2013. Impact of long term fertilization on Soil Nutritional Quality under finger millet – maize cropping sequence.Journal of Environmental Research and Development 7 (4A), 1571-1576.

2. Hemalatha,S. 2019. Reaction rate constants of Urea in Sandy Clay loam soils. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 8(3):877-882

Research articles – 14

Conference papers/ attended – (25)

Books (With ISBN) – 2


  • 1.EngalAasan Award for the year 2021 from Kumaraguru Institutions
  • 2.Best Faculty Teaching award for the year 2021 from Kumaraguru Institutions
  • 3.Best Faculty for domain expertise for the year 2021 from Kumaraguru Institutions
  • 4.EngalAasan award for the year 2020 from Kumaraguru Institutions
  • 5.Best Faculty – Extracurricular activities for the year 2019 by Kumaraguru Institutions, Coimbatore.
  • 6.Junior Scientist Award by National Environmental Science Academy , Delhi in 2015.
  • 7.Best poster paper 2015 GKV society
  • 8.Dr. P. MurugesaBoopathi Award for Best Ph.D Thesis on Soil fertility in Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry for the year 2013.
  • 9.Tmt. R. Santha Medal and AVR Sundaran Trust Medal for having secured highest OGPA in all the agronomy courses during 2006-07.